Beekeeping Suppliers in Kansas

Beekeepers smoker and bee hive tool

If you are a beekeeper in or near Kansas, you are lucky, because the state is rich with many beekeeping suppliers all over the state and I’ve included a few names of beekeeping suppliers in surrounding states that might be near you. I’ve compiled a list of companies who sell beekeeping supplies and many of […]

Where to Buy Honey Bees in Iowa

Beekeeping smoker billowing smoke with a hive tool nearby

If you are a beginning beekeeper in Iowa looking for a place to buy honey bees, or beekeeping supplies near you, this article has all the information you need! I’ve compiled a list of companies who sell beekeeping supplies in Iowa, and many of these suppliers offer beekeeping equipment including tools like bee suits, hive […]

Where to Get Beekeeping Supplies in Indiana

Beekeeper in a protective suit using a smoker to calm the bees

If you are a beekeeper in or near Indiana, you are lucky, because the state is rich with many great beekeeping suppliers all over the state. And even if you don’t live near an independent supplier or farm, there are several locations of the Tractor Supply chain of stores in Indiana, where you can find […]

Where to Get Beekeeping Supplies in Illinois

Beekeeper with hive smoker tool. Resource list for beekeeping suppliers in Illinois

If you’re looking for beekeeping suppliers in Illinois or in the surrounding area, I just might be able to help. I’ve compiled a list of companies who sell beekeeping supplies, and most of them are within the state but there are a few exceptions which are located just across the border in a neighboring state. […]

Where to Find Beekeeping Supplies in Idaho

A list of beekeeping suppliers in Idaho.

If you’re looking for beekeeping suppliers in Idaho, you have come to the right place. I’ve compiled a list of companies and farms who sell beekeeping supplies in Idaho and in surrounding states. The unique thing about Idaho is that it is one of the states with the largest honey production in the US. But, […]

How to Start Beekeeping

person in white pants and white shoes holding brown wooden frame

Many beginning beekeepers will quit after only one or two seasons for varied reasons, but commonly, as with many new pursuits, there are high expectations combined with not enough information. While beekeeping can be a rewarding pursuit as a hobby or a business, it does come with challenges, like investment of time and money, worries […]

Beekeeper’s Calendar-February

Monthly tasks to do list for beekeepers

This is part of an ongoing series-Beekeeping Season-A month to month guide for beekeepers. There is so much to learn and worry about with beekeeping. You want to know things like when to feed bees in winter, when to add supers, when should I worry about swarm season?, when to treat for mites, and countless […]

Beekeeper’s Calendar-January

Monthly tasks to do list for beekeepers

This is part of an ongoing series-Beekeeping Season-A month to month guide for beekeepers. There is so much to learn and worry about with beekeeping. You want to know things like when to feed bees in winter, when to add supers, when should I worry about swarm season?, when to treat for mites, and countless […]

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