This is part of an ongoing series-Beekeeping Season-A month to month guide for beekeepers.

There is so much to learn and worry about with beekeeping. You want to know things like when to feed bees in winter, when to add supers, when should I worry about swarm season, when to treat for mites, and countless other concerns. And maybe you know these things, but making sure they are done at the right time, in the right order is very important, too.

And, I don’t know about you, but for me, there are so many responsibilities and tasks jammed into my brain at any given moment, the possibility of me missing or forgetting something is high. And I would never want my bees to be negatively affected by a lapse in my memory!

This month by month beekeeping calendar series of posts will teach you all of the beekeeping tasks for any given month. And we’ll talk a little about what’s blooming each month of the honey season, too. See previous calendar posts here (Beekeeper’s Calendar January) and here (Beekeeper’s Calendar February).

If you’d like to see it all in one easy place, you can get your printable (yay!) copy of this Month-by-Month Beekeeping Guide here.

This series will cover a general beekeeping calendar for the Northeast, with tips for the South and West interspersed. Look in the coming months for more region specific calendars, but this month by month beekeeping calendar series will cover all you need to know for the beekeeping season where ever you are keeping bees.


Beekeeping Calendar tasks for April

In the Hive

Inspections and Nutrition

Equipment & Pest Management

Hive Management

Bee Yard and Environment

Our Beehive Inspection Sheet is a great way to take notes and keep track of your hive. Check it out here. It has everything you’ll need to keep track of all aspects of your hives from measuring honey stores, brood levels and pest management.

Blooming Now

Some of the things that may be blooming this month are: Crocuses, Witch Hazel, Maples, Willows, Eastern redbuds, Elm Trees, Poplar Trees, Skunk Cabbage, Wild Strawberry, Yellow Rocket, and Deadnettle.


April marks the boom in activity for honey bees. They will be venturing out and foraging from those early blooming plants. But remember that you may need to continue feeding or supplementation.

Be sure to pick up your copy of the month-by-month beekeeping guide where all the information you need each month is collected in one informative and convenient place.

This are really going to get exciting in the hive now and going forward.

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